our board of executive trustees
Trust in Children is managed by a board of Executive Trustees, responsible for both the strategic direction of the charity and making sure its aims are delivered in a cost-effective way. We meet regularly to discuss decisions on grant awards and policy and to plan fundraising events.
We have no paid staff – all Trust in Children staff are volunteers. This is in line with Trust in Children’s key aim of making sure as much of our funding as possible is spent directly on our beneficiaries.
Iain Forbes (Chair)
Iain is the Chair of the Board of Executive Trustees and leads on ensuring the overall delivery of Trust in Children’s strategy. He works in the public sector, providing strategic policy advice on environmental issues. He has experience in policy design and delivery, project management, corporate finance and strategic planning.
Chloe Darlington (Communications)
Chloe joined Trust in Children as a trustee in 2004 and has enjoyed being able to get involved in organising events, promoting the charity, and particularly getting to know some of the projects receiving TiC grants. Chloe has always worked in the charity sector, first at young people’s helpline Get Connected and then at the co-operative youth movement Woodcraft Folk, where she helped young people develop campaigns and communications. She now works at Children England as Policy and Campaigns Manager. If you have any suggestions or comments on TiC communications, she would love to hear them – email chloedarlington@hotmail.com.
Jeremy Brutus (Treasurer)
Jeremy recently joined the Trust in Children board. He works in the field of environmental policy and has particular interests in climate change, resource efficiency and sustainable energy. Prior to this, he worked as an English teacher in a number of countries, which has given him a good understanding of the potential challenges involved in providing education in different countries. He also has a keen interest in theatre, and has written and directed a number of plays in his free time. He looks forward to putting these varied skills to good use as a Trust in Children trustee!
Tom Jones
Tom joined Trust in Children as a trustee in 2017. He is a charted chemical engineer and works as an engineering consultant. He provides project management and engineering support for upstream oil and gas projects and the low carbon industry. Tom is passionate about helping TiC to deliver on their mission of helping young people realise and fulfil their potential.